October 29, 2008

Guru Peyarchi Palangal 2008 - 2009 - Vrichiga Raasi


The one year period prior to Guru Peyarchi could have given you the experience as to how to walk on a tight rope. It should have also taught you the difference between apparent and actual. Everything was seemingly available and everything was not available was something peculiar. Still you faced it.


This year after this Guru Peyarchi is going to be a real tough game.


Undesired change in location, change of work, reduction in responsibilities, traveling and the like would have made you tired. The excessive expenses, in spite of liberal income and the straining health would have bothered you. Health and medicaments would have been part of your worries.


This Guru Peyarchi is going to be no better than before. In fact, Guru in the 3rd house will mean a good level of uncertainty in the business, profession or job.


You will have to be doubly cautious in your work environment. Business, profession or job will bring you down to the level of feeling a sense of insecurity in life. Money market is going to be tight. Financial flow will have to very much depend on creating new liabilities and the new burdens that the new liabilities will bring in.


Some people will have to leave their job, some may be asked to go, some may be relocated to a most inconvenient place, some businesses will almost reach a level where pulling down the shutters might appear to be the only choice.


Your personal health and family health are likely to be affected involving medical expenses and worries.


Family and social relations will suffer adding to your mental agony. You have to wait. You have to tolerate. You have to be patient. There is no other go.


People in business will find a tough time. Even normal performance will dip down resulting in reduced turn over and reduced flow of money. Correspondingly the profits will also come down. Expenses will be at their top. Even employees will appear to be negligent and cunning. Some businesses will even go near the verge of closure. By the time of next Sani Peyarchi in September 2009, you will see improvement. Until then it will be a question of survival.


For people in employment, relationship with the employer / superiors will suffer to a great deal. The things you have done in good faith will turn out to be futile and you will be held responsible for any lapse or loss. Colleagues and subordinates will be indifferent and will rather try to advantage of your strained relationship with your boss / employer. Some will have to leave the job or compelled to leave the job. Some may get relocation to a totally unfavourable area or location. This will add to the financial crunch already necking. Even managing the situation with new liabilities will be difficult.


For those in Arts field - better adopt restraint. Restraint in all respects. Restraint even when you talk. If you have to talk a sentence, finish it with two or three words with a smiling face. Avoid hostile responses. You may have to loose some of the opportunities on hand. New opportunities will poor. The opportunities coming will also be not up to your merits or expectations. You will be spending more on traveling. Unless you travel, you can not sustain at least some of the opportunities already holding in your current schedule.


In general, this is going to be a tough time around. Sani Peyarchi will give you some relief. Until then, be patient.




Anonymous said...

Can you give the results for Meena Rasi also ?

Unknown said...

can you publish for Mesham also

GK said...

can you publish for kumbam also ? thanks a lot ya


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