November 10, 2008


Kethu is coming to your Janma Raasi and Raahu to the 7th place Makaram. You are in the tail end of your 7-1/2 years Sani. You are running Padha Sani period. Guru is in the 6th place.

With the above composition, when Raahu comes to your 7th place and Kethu Janma Raasi, this indicates some health related problems.

Whatever attempt or endeavour you make during this period may find its way difficult and completion of the work will be a task. Better postpone any new venture until December 2008.

Marriage proposals on hand may get delayed beyond reasons. Somehow, when Guru moves into the 7th place from the 6th place, marriage proposals will materialize.

There may be some painful events in your spouse family. Health of your spouse may also strain to some extent.

Business or personal animosities may become a hindrance in your progress. You should try to resolve the issues amicably.

Emotions and anger may obstruct progress with some people. Utmost restraint is necessary in family and social relations.

Some persons will have an opportunity to go abroad for better jobs or better business prospects.

Until Guru Peyarchi in December 2008, there will be sluggishness in all that you do. After Guru Peyarchi, Raahu in the 7th place will become active. This is the period when your endeavours for overseas opportunities either for job or for business will work out.

This will be high time you make better fortunes and better reserves for future, because, after this 1-1/2 years are over, another tough time is ahead. For this matter, you make best use of the opportunities Raahu in the 7th place provides.

Remember that if Raahu gives you marriage opportunities, he may not provide greater opportunities in job or business, when he is in the 7th place.

Similarly, if Raahu gives you better job or business opportunities, he may obstruct the marriage opportunities.

Only in stray cases, he will provide both. Opportunities.

During the currency of this 1-1/2 years, your 7-1/2 years Sani is going to end. It is in the verge of this time, you will have a sudden rise or lift in life.

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